Vatican Wants Young People to Help With Next Synod
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 16 Jan 2017 --
The Vatican looks for answers from the young to influence the goals of the next meeting of the world’s bishops.
Pope Francis has reached out to the youth for next round of consultations in the Catholic Church. He wants their direct input for the impending meeting of the world's bishops. The meeting is to be held on the problems faced by Catholics and the issue of their faith. The reach out is in the form of a questionnaire.
Vatican Wants Young People to Help With Next Synod[/tweetthis]
The document‘s theme is “Young People, the Faith and Vocational Discernment”. It consists of 20 pages and has a total of 20 questions. It was crafted so the office of the Synod can use it to prepare for the event. The end result will be the creation of the Instrumentum Laboris, or a working document, to be used for the meeting.
Pope Francis has also sent out a separate public letter. It was addressed to the youth, where it asked them to read the document and think of it as a kind of “compass” to the path towards the synod.
The Vatican has issued a document to prepare for the meeting, bearing the formal name of the synod of bishops. It has intentionally taken an attentive and open tone. The religious authority has focused not on how to preach to young people or teach them, but on the method of listening to their requirements and comprehending the changes brought on by the digital era to their lives. Indeed, the first question written says a lot, with it asking the manner of how the church have listened to the situations faced by young people.
In letter to young ppl pre 2018 synod, Francis says: ‘Church wishes to listen to yr voice … . Make yr voice heard’
— Austen Ivereigh (@austeni) January 13, 2017
Pope Francis, in his letter, at first introduced the synod topic and then requested them to hear the call of God. He then urged them to move towards a future, which, although unknown, will lead to fulfillment. The pontiff said that God himself will accompany the young people on their journeys. Pope Francis recalled an invitation which Jesus made to the disciples, where the Messiah asked his followers to trust in God even with the confusion and noise prevalent in the world. If they do so, then this call will resonate in depths of their hearts.
The Pope also challenged the youth to change their world and live the ideals of young hearts which are intolerant of injustice and also are indifferent to “throwaway culture” and not surrender to “globalization of indifference.” There is a three-step reflection on the present cultural and social dynamics of the world, on vocational discernment and on important points of the youth's pastoral vocational program.