The Prayers of Ramadan

The Prayers of Ramadan

The Prayers of Ramadan

30 days of prayer

Ramadan is the observation that Muslims make to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s receiving of the first revelation of the Quran[/tweetit], beginning the Islamic beliefs. It is a month during which it is common to see people fasting, praying, and working to improve their community. The prayers that surround Ramadan are not always understood that well. In order to gain a better understanding the prayers and their purposes, we’re going to take a closer look at some of the things Muslims pray for during this holy month.

The Prayers of Ramadan[/tweetthis]

One of the first prayers that are uttered during this month is known as Niyyat, which is the intention and announcement that an adherent is beginning their fasting. The individual makes this prayer by telling Allah they are fasting in according to the laws set forth and hopes this sacrifice brings them closer. It is one of the most basic and common prayers that many use at the beginning of Ramadan.

Another prayer is used to break the fast so that the individual can end their fast at sundown and eat once again. After the sun has set and the family gathers for a meal, the next prayer tells Allah the believers have fasted for Him, put their faith in him, and then break their fast.

There are a lot of other prayers that are said during this time are helpful to know. For example, the prayer for forgiveness is something that was uttered by one of Muhammad’s companions, Abdullah ibn Amar. It is a simple prayer, asking Allah for forgiveness and mercy to overcome their faults.

Of course, there are other prayers that are uttered at increments throughout the day. For starters, there are Prayers of Zikr, which are short affirmations that say things such as Allahu Akbar. There are prayers that are typically said throughout the month as well. The first ten days tend to have prayers asking that Allah be merciful, while the next twenty ask for forgiveness, and then final 10 days are focused on being repentant and continuing to be so going forward.

Many prayers are said during Ramadan, but these are some of the most important ones out there to remember.
