Terror Attack on Muslim Mosque in Minnesota
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 07 Aug 2017 --
Bomb Explodes in Minnesota Mosque During Prayer
On Saturday, August 5, a bomb was detonated at the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center in Bloomington, Minnesota, as people were preparing for their morning prayers.
Terror Attack on Muslim Mosque in Minnesota[/tweetthis]
The explosion was reported at 5:05 a.m., and occurred in the imam’s office, where a window was also broken. While the mosque sustained fire and smoke damage, there were no injuries. The FBI has since taken control of the investigation, and has issued warnings and alerts via social media outlets like Twitter.
#FBIMinneapolis Division Statement re: Investigation of Explosion at the Dar Al Farooq Community Center in Bloomington, MN pic.twitter.com/W0DuEFeeYw
— FBI Minneapolis (@FBIMinneapolis) August 5, 2017
The center’s executive director, Mohamed Omar, reported that a worshipper had seen a pickup truck speeding away after the explosion occurred. However, the investigation is ongoing, and no suspects have been apprehended.
The attack on the Bloomington mosque is only one in a long string of hate crimes against the American Muslim population – in 2017, between April and June alone, there were more than 940 reports of bias incidents involving the targeting of Muslim Americans.
Internationally, Islamophobic hate crimes have increased fivefold since the London bridge attacks in June, 2017. Anti-Muslim attacks have jumped from occurring an average of 38 times a day to occurring 54 times a day.
Asad Zaman, the executive director of the Muslim American Society of Minnesota, spoke out about the Islamophobia that the Dar Al-Farooq Islamic Center has suffered from in the past. He stated, “hate is not OK. We need a better America where people are safe with their neighbors. Targeting people because of their race or religion is absolutely un-American.”