Rick and Morty Creator Prank Calls Prayer Line
- By Derek Welch --
- 10 Sep 2017 --

With Suprising Results.
Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction. Justin Roiland, co-creator and voice actor on the animated show Rick and Morty was a guest on the H3 Podcast. They decided to prank call the Prayer Line of megachurch pastor Joel Osteen.
Rick and Morty Prank Call Prayer Line [/tweetthis]
Joel Osteen has been in the news recently for turning away individuals affected by Hurricane Harvey from their gigantic church that seats over 10,000. While Mr. Osteen finally did open his doors and claimed that he was told by the government to not allow those surviving the storm into the church. This statement remains unconfirmed.
Justin Roiland decided to call the Prayer Line to ask to speak to Mr. Osteen. He used the voice of Rick, the alcoholic mad scientist from his show. The call took an odd turn when the operator began to speak in tongues. The speaking of tongues is a religious phenomenon where individuals are overtaken by the Holy Spirit and speak in a supposed heavenly language. This both delighted and confused the hosts of H3 and Justin Roiland, who could not believe the strange reaction to the call.
Rick and Morty have been known for including religious themes into their episodes. The actual devil appears as a shop owner, Rick has claimed multiple times God does not exist, and Morty has had several existential crises. One of the creators, Dan Harmon, has stated that several episodes deal with the concept of a God being a cosmic force that does not care about you.
There has been no response by Joel Osteen or his church to the call. It is unclear if a statement will ever be made.