Netflix is Planning a Movie on “Most Hated Woman,” American Atheists Founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair

The story of American Atheists founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair will be presented in an indie movie for Netflix. Netflix plans to expand its influence

Pope Francis Removing Bishops

Pope Francis is Removing Seedy Bishops in an Effort to Clean Up the Catholic Church

The Pope organized a Vatican commission that determines the policies for the overall Church to follow and several bishops have been removed as a

Meet “The Flower Man” Asking for Peace in Exchange for Blooms

Rod Webber, "The Flower Man," is taking a unique approach to the 2016 presidential campaign, asking for prayers of peace. Rod Webber looks like

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act

Orwellian First Amendment Defense Act May Favor Religious Bigotry

The proposed bill reassures every individual or groups on their freedom to exercise and abide by their beliefs. After the passage of the Religious

Birth Control Pills

Catholic Nuns Lose Case: Employees Must Have Contraceptive Coverage

Denver's Little Sisters of the Poor lost their case against the Obama administration because they couldn't prove the contraceptive mandate caused a burden. Denver’s

Three Books Religion Government

These 3 Books Describe the Push to Bring Religion Back into Government

Various Christian and Islamic groups think secular government has failed and its time to go back to a religion influenced government. Books on this

Psychology Or Religion

Which one Helps to Improve Your Life More? Psychology or Religion?

David Langness, writer for Baha'i Teachings, examines the history of psychology, how it relates to religion, and how they can improve your life. There

Russell M Nelson

LDS Church announces New President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

Russell M. Nelson has been called to succeed the late Boyd K. Packer. Following the death of former President Boyd K. Packer on July

Go Set A Watchman

Here’s a Look at the Religion in Harper Lee’s ‘Go Set a Watchman’

Photo (modified) by Robert is licensed under CC BY 2.0 The book, a sequel to To Kill A Mockingbird, is filled with religious influences

The Satanic Temple Challenges Conservative Christianity’s Influence in Government, Women’s Rights and Public Schools

In an interview with the New York Times, The Satanic Temple's two founders discuss the religion's origins and recent accomplishments toward reducing Christian privilege