Who Church Leaders Endorse for the 2016 Election and Why Catholic Leaders Don’t Endorse Anyone

Religious leaders are generally uncomfortable to directly endorse any particular political candidate. Leading up to yesterday's Iowa Caucus, GOP leaders were touring the state

Mixed genders at Western Wall

American Jews Applaud Mixed Gender Western Wall

Women of the Wall negotiated officially recognizing the prayer site as mixed-gender. The Government of Israel has given its seal of approval to expand


The Japanese Setsubun: New Year’s Bean Throwing Celebration

Traditions of Japan's Setsubun On February 3, the Japanese people will be celebrating its annual Setsubun tradition as part of the upcoming Spring Festival.

Pope Sweden

Pope Francis Heading to Sweden to Celebrate Reformation

The Pope Will Attend the 500th Anniversary of Reformation in Sweden In an effort to forge Christian unity, Pope Francis apologized for all the


Christian Celebration Candlemas Focuses on Jesus and Virgin Mary

February 2, Christians celebrate the presentation, the first entry into the temple of Jesus, and the Virgin Mary's purification. February 2 is a special

2016 Faith elections

Key Facts Uncovered About Importance of Religion During Election

Even though religion is declining in the U.S., faith still has an important role in the Presidential Election. Studies reveal that the United States


Pagans Celebrate Coming of Spring with Imbolc Festival

Rituals and Traditions of Pagan Imbolc and Lughnasadh. The ancient Celtics, pagans and including the neopagans of today honor and celebrate the four different

“Hijabis of New York” Photos Highlight the Successes of Muslim Women

Hijabis of New York creator Abdelhamid wants the world to know there’s more to Muslim women than just a hijab. Rana Abdelhamid, a student

After Years of Division, Lutherans and Catholics Will Unite for Reformation Anniversary

After centuries of division the two groups will come together for Reformation Anniversary. Lutherans and Catholics have agreed to celebrate, together, the Reformation Anniversary,

“Japanese Schindler” Who Saved 6,000 Jews During WWII Featured in Movie

Movie focused on "Japanese Schindler" who saved 6,000 lives will debut January 31, 2016. At a time when the attention of the world is