Pope May Allow Married Men to be Priests; Will Visit Colombia in September

Catholic Church may soon be ordaining married men as priests. In his interview with a German newspaper, Pope Francis has expressed his willingness to

Larung Gar Buddhist Complex Getting Renovated to Improve Safety

China is rebuilding Buddhist complex Larung Gar. China is reconstructing the expansive Larung Gar complex[/tweetit] to improve public health and safety. The complex was

How Religions Celebrate the Spring Equinox

Origins of the spring equinox and its religious meanings. The word “equinox” traces its root from Latin, and it means “equal night.” Equinox is

Jewish Circumcision Ritual Linked to Herpes

Medical Study Shows that Orthodox Jewish Ritual Causes Neo-Natal Herpes. The New York City Health Department has come out with reports that an ultra-orthodox

Watch an Atheist, Priest, and Rabbi Smoke Weed Together and Talk God

A Social Experiment Finds Out How Weed Can Impact Discussions between People from Varying Backgrounds. Gathering a bunch of people with varying beliefs into

Satanic Temple Voices Concern Against Corporal Punishment in Schools

Religious group comes out against physical abuse in the name of discipline. The Satanic Temple is fighting a school district in the Fort Worth,

EU Headscarf Ban in the Workplace is Facing Backlash

EU grants workplaces the ability to ban the headscarf as a religious symbol. The European Union made a historic ruling that companies in Europe

Matzo Crackers are Getting a Makeover: The Matzo Project

Break the niche religious food barrier with The Matzo Project. Matzo is a kind of food that people unwillingly eat as a part of

ADL to Take on Cyberhate with New Silicon Valley Center

ADL open Silicon Valley center to combat cyberhate Jonathan Greenblatt, the Chief Executive Officer of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) made an announcement that his organization

Mark Rutte Defeats Anti-Islamic Candidate Geert Wilders in Dutch Election

Mark Rutte claims victory over anti-Muslim Geert Wilders. Netherland’s far right extremist candidate Geert Wilders faced a heavy defeat against Conservative Prime Minister Mark