Houses of Worship: Qatar State Grand Mosque

Qatar sits on a peninsula in the Persian Gulf with Saudi Arabia to the west as their only neighboring country. Over the past 30

Religious Intolerance in Myanmar

Along the Bay of Bengal and wrapping around the Andaman Sea is the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. It is home to 54

The Hazara people of Daykundi

The Fight of the Hazaras

The Hazaras have been subject to discrimination and oppression at least since the 19th century. As an ethnic minority within Afghanistan whose population largely

Is Climate Change Simply God’s Will? These Evangelicals Believe Humans Do Have Accountability and Should Do Something About It

Plagues, floods, famine—these are all manifestations of God’s will. So why shouldn’t climate change—if that’s indeed what it is—be any different? The National Association

Voodoo altar with fetishes in Abomey, Benin

Faith and Voodoo

In the coastal country of Benin, the population is divided into roughly three major religious groups: Christian, Muslim and Vodun (better known in the

Yoido Full Gospel Church

Houses of Worship: Yoido Full Gospel Church

Seoul, the capital of South Korea or the “Great People's Nation” as its name translates in English, is home to almost 10 million people

Trinity Church Wall Street

Houses of Worship: Trinity Church Wall Street

The Trinity Church received its charter from King William III in 1697, establishing its rules, the boundaries of the first land grant and the

G20 Religion Forum (R20) Indonesia 2022

Inaugural G20 Religion Forum Promotes Solidarity and Respect in The Emerald of the Equator

Thailand, 1997: A financial crisis starts which is deemed local to the country, but soon the same is seen in countries throughout Southeast Asia

The Chosen - S3 BTS still - Director Dallas Jenkins and Jesus discuss scene in synagogue

The Chosen Begins the Next Chapter

Telling stories is one of the oldest traditions known to man, if it is not itself the basis of tradition. How one tells a

Hungry Ghost Festival

Keeping Peace with Ghosts

The harvest season is closing and winter is coming. Festivals celebrate the fruits of the reaping and rituals are held to ward off the