Beauty Amidst Violence: Muslim and Jewish Children Learn to Get Along in Israel

Amidst violence, a playschool in Jaffa, Israel has been teaching Arab and Jewish children to get along together, without hatred for each other. At

americans protest

Younger Americans Are Pushing for Social and Political Changes

New research by Pew shows strong generational differences in social and political views. An interview of 35,000 adult Americans throws up some fascinating statistics

Inaugural Religious Freedom Roundtable Held in Australia, Attended by 29 Members of Different Religions

Preservation of religious freedom, inclusion, and pluralism are among the topics to be discussed at the Religious Freedom Roundtable in Sydney. Australian Human Rights

Religious Americans are Becoming More Accepting of Homosexuality

Many changes have occurred in American social and political attitudes, according to the latest Pew Research study. There have been many changes in idealism

Bernie Sanders Captures Hearts with Anti-Racism Statements

Sanders may have made some gains in the Presidential race with anti-racism statement and a hug. Bernie Sanders, who hopes to land the Democratic

Watch Porn Star Jenna Jameson’s Jewish Journey on TV

Jenna Jameson will star in a reality TV show about her conversion to Judaism and upcoming marriage in Israel. Jenna Jameson, who is more

Egypt’s Melting Pot of Religions on Display in British Museum

Egypt’s Melting Pot of Religions on Display in British Museum

Exhibit on religion in Egypt accurately displays how many religions all have the same roots. Many men and women have walked in the lands

Arab and Jews eating together

Arabs and Jews Who Eat Together Get a Discount at Israeli Cafe

Israeli cafe comes up with unique method to solve Palestinian conflict - offers 50% discount to Arabs and Jews who dine together Kobi Tzafrir,

Netanyahu Slammed After Suggesting A Muslim Encouraged the Holocaust

According to Netanyahu, the Holocaust was inspired by Jerusalem's Grand Mufti. The Prime Minister of Israel was accused of forgiving Adolf Hitler for his

Sikh Langar Feeds Thousands at Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference

Sikhs host a pop-up lunch for people of all faiths at Salt Lake convention. The Parliament of the World's Religions, which was held in