Rabbis Led a Pilgrimage to Protest Tornillo Migrant Children Detention Center

Rabbis Led a Pilgrimage to Protest Texas Migrant Children Detention Center

The children live under deplorable conditions in the migration camps. The Tornillo camp located in the remote region of the West Texas desert witnessed

‘Kill the Jews’ Spray-painted on Brooklyn Synagogue

‘Kill the Jews’ Spray-painted on Brooklyn Synagogue

Anti-Semitism has increased across the country and even the world in recent times. [tweettit]The Union Temple synagogue in Brooklyn was defaced on November 1

Netanyahu Backs Death Penalty

Netanyahu Backs Death Penalty for Terrorists

The Prime Minister is supporting the bill, but it must pass the Knesset committee first. Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, gave his

2nd Century C.E. Painting Discovered Depicts Jesus Different Than Western Perceptions

2nd Century C.E. Painting Shows Jesus Looks Much Different than Westerners Think

The popular Western perception of Christ's image bears Graeco-Roman influence. The Shivta ruins in Israel depict Jesus Christ much different from the image popular

Three Malibu Jewish Summer Camps Destroyed in CA Wildfire

Three Malibu Jewish Summer Camps Destroyed in CA Wildfire

"Fire cannot destroy memories. Camp has always been about community, friendship and Torah." The Southern California wildfires forced over 260,000 people to evacuate and

Canada Apologizes for Denying Asylum to Jewish Refugees of the MS St. Louis

Canada Apologizes for Denying Asylum to Jewish Refugees of the MS St. Louis in 1939

Trudeau decried the rise of modern anti-Semitism. Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister of Canada, tendered a formal apology for the then Canadian Government's decision

Former Nazi SS Camp Guard Trial has begun in Munster, Germany

Former Nazi SS Camp Guard Trial has Begun in Muenster, Germany

Johann Rehbogen will be tried in a juvenile court as he was below 21 years of age when he was an SS guard. Johann

Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger Honored Tree of Life Synagogue Victims

Steelers QB Ben Roethlisberger Honored Tree of Life Synagogue Victims

Roethlisberger wore 'Stronger Than Hate' cleats Ben Roethlisberger, the quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers, wore customized cleats on November 4 to honor the victims

Almost 30 Percent of anti-Semitic Tweets Come from Bots.

Almost 30 Percent of anti-Semitic Tweets Come from Bots

Anti-Defamation League reports accounts repeating tweets against Jews are most likely bots. According to the Anti-Defamation League, almost 30 percent of Twitter’s anti-Semitic posts

Nicky's Family Documentary

Nicky’s Family, A Documentary on a Heroic Story at the time of the Holocaust, Premieres on Scientology Network Friday

Nicky Winton saved the lives of more than 600 children who were destined for concentration camps. In a society where anti-Semitism is on the