Muslim Woman Healed from Deadly Snake Bite by Jesus

As far as science was concerned, it was the end for her; for Hajira, however, it was a time that would change her life

President Obama Signs Bill Specifically Granting Atheists Protection Against Persecution

The Frank R. Wolf International Religious Freedom Act will not only protect the rights of the religious, but of the non-religious too and prevent

Jesus and Mary

6 Facts About Jesus’ Mother Mary Based on the Qur’an

Muslims have great respect for Prophet Jesus and his mother Mary and are inspired by her in many ways. We are passing through the

Obama Will End NSEERS, a Registry Targeting Muslims, Before Trump Takes Office

President Obama is doing his part before Trump takes office to ensure Muslims will be safe in America. Via The New York Times: The

20 Years of PBS Show ‘Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly’ Come to an End Feb. 24, 2017

The PBS show Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly to air final episode in 2017. The award-winning weekly public television series, Religion and Ethics NewsWeekly is

Iraqi Muslim Gets Giant Christmas Tree for Christians in Baghdad

A giant Christmas tree is on display in Baghdad to show solidarity with Christians. The tallest Christmas tree in Iraq’s capital happens to be

Saudi Arabia Drops Islamic Calendar in Favor of Gregorian Calendar

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia now runs on the "Western" Gregorian calendar. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has switched from the lunar-centric Hijri calendar

What it’s Like to be Muslim in the U.S. Military

Exploring Islamophobia in the U.S. Military. As per recent reports, there are an estimated 5,900 U.S. service members in the military today who self-identify

Study: The U.S. Is One of the Most “Ignorant” Countries

Ipsos MORI Perils of Perception Survey highlight how wrong the U.S. and 39 countries are on their perceptions. How ignorant do you think you

Two U.S. Towns Being Sued for Discrimination This Week for Refusing Permits to Mosques

The Department of Justice files discrimination cases against U.S. towns for denying mosques. The city of Sterling Heights, Michigan is facing a legal suit