Franklin Graham Slams PBS For Cartoon Gay Marriage
- By Alison Lesley --
- 17 May 2019 --

Graham wants PBS’ federal funding cut
Franklin Graham, the firebrand evangelist, is rallying his social media followers to mount a challenge against the television network PBS.[/tweetit] He wants the network’s federal funding to be cut. The reason? One of the many cartoons broadcasted on the network showed a cartoon character as gay and depicted a gay marriage. The evangelist asserts that Mr. Ratburn’s same-sex marriage promotes “the LGBTQ agenda.” Ratburn is a character in Arthur a popular children’s cartoon and a fixture in the PBS program bouquet. He teaches third-grade students in the Arthur universe.
Franklin Graham Slams PBS For Cartoon Gay Marriage[/tweetthis]
Graham fired his first salvo on social media on the night of May 15, when he argued as to why the United States Government fund PBS programs which promote, as per Biblical descriptions, a sin. The televangelist went on in his rant, asserting that many viewers will be disappointed and surprised by the direction of this content. He said it is his fervent hope that his social media followers will unequivocally inform PBS that they do not want to view such program content which is inserted to influence the minds of children and the grandchildren
Graham’s social media posts enjoyed good traction within the first 12 hours with thousands of people sharing the content. The 15,000 plus reactions include a continuing argument between those who wholeheartedly agree with what Graham says and those who defend the complete separation of the church and the state.
According to secular media, however, fans of Arthur were quite happy with such a development in the plot line. A note of dissent was expectedly sent in by a religious print media house which said that The Family Research Council believes that the producers of Arthur take “advantage” of trust parents put in the shows aimed towards children.
Graham is not the only one criticizing the PBS program. He has joined many other conservatives who too have criticized that particular episode. The list of people who fiercely opposed the show content included Sebastian Gorka, who is a host on the Salem Radio Network. His America First program is a known conservative bugle. Gorka, who came to the national public eye as a former deputy assistant reporting to President Donald Trump, asserted via social media that the PBS show represents a kind of “culture war” presently going on in the United States.