Franklin Graham Declares Genocide on Christians at World Summit for Persecuted Christians
- By C Barnett --
- 12 May 2017 --
Franklin Graham has urged Christians to mobilize themselves against a supposed “Christian genocide.”
Franklin Graham claims approximately 100,000 Christians are slaughtered every year simply because they believe in Christ. If this figure is totaled for ten years, almost a million Christians have been killed. This, he reasoned, can be regarded as a genocide against Christians.
Franklin Graham Declares Genocide on Christians at World Summit for Persecuted Christians[/tweetthis]
Franklin Graham is the son of Billy Graham, the famous evangelical preacher.
The organization Open Doors, a Christian non-profit, said that approximately 4,000 Christians are killed per year due to their faith. The organization is dedicated to tracking Christian persecution all over the world. It has counted the rising number of Christians from the Middle East who wants safety outside their own countries.
Over 600 people from 136 countries joined us tonight for the #WorldSummit in Defense of #PersecutedChristians in Washington, D.C.
— Franklin Graham (@Franklin_Graham) May 11, 2017
A number of evangelicals have criticized Graham for his inflammatory views against adherents of other religions and secularism. He termed Islam “evil” and portrayed President Donald J. Trump as being aligned with the Christian church. He spoke at length about a subject in the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians conference on May 10 where he believed an issue is being sidestepped by the media and also by the politicians. Graham, however, did not provide any supporting documents to prove his statistical claims.
The World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians will span four days. There will be a number of speakers and panels including Mike Pence, the Vice President of United States. The gathering is sponsored by Graham's own organization, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. It is named after his 98-year-old father. Before Graham took his place at the podium, the representatives of the Vatican expressed hopes for a conference.
Incredible. Franklin Graham just compared the genocide of Christians abroad to same-sex couples demanding equal treatment in the U.S.
— Zack Ford (@ZackFord) May 12, 2017
Graham described violence targeted against Christians present in the Middle East and Africa as a part of a larger scheme operational all over the world. The violence, he says, is due to antagonism against the faith. The audience, comprising of approximately 600 Christians from a number of countries and denominations was treated to his speech where he said that millions of Christians encounter open hostility and discrimination only due to their love towards Jesus. The 64-year-old evangelist said that Christians are frequently treated with intolerance as they have moral purity and they espouse God's truth. They are frequently termed unpatriotic as they love God more and not the authorities on earth.
"It's the equivalent of a Christian genocide." @Franklin_Graham on the million-plus Christians who were killed or imprisoned in last decade.
— BGEA (@BGEA) May 11, 2017