Christians Should Be Protesting The Rich At Davos
- By C Barnett --
- 26 Jan 2018 --
The Economic Summit Is the Perfect Venue To Talk About Teachings of Jesus
Every year the rich and powerful meet on the peak of the Swiss Alps to form deals, speak of the future, and determine the fate of billions of individuals. While most of the attention has gone to President Trump’s lackluster speech, there is a larger issue looming over the conference, one that should affect everyone who declares Jesus as their lord and savior.
How would Jesus feel about Davos?
Jesus spoke often about the rich. He stated that “You cannot serve God and money.” Because money is based on earthly desires it has no place for heaven or God. Unlike previous religions, where the amount of money that you had determined your place in the afterlife, money does not get you to the VIP line in heaven, “For it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”
Christians Should Be Protesting The Rich At Davos[/tweetthis]
Jesus also believed that when one is living for money they are not living for God. Given the study that states that happiness does not increase beyond $83,000, why do we celebrate the obtainment of billions of dollars?
This does not mean that if you have money that you are, by definition, a bad Christian. But it does mean that the pursuit of money is not needed. That the profit margin should not be the highest ideal. Therefore, at an economic conference where wealth is celebrated, Christians should be out in protest. The pope should be launching into diatribes about this event. But it has been relatively quiet.
This becomes true not only internationally, but within the United States. Religious figures want to buy jets, lavacious homes, and gigantic churches. But to think of the number of people that could be fed or the amount of the bibles that could be distributed with that amount of money, it does beg the question. Who are you living for? His grace or your bank account?