Steven Tyler Sings Epic Rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ [Video]
- By Alison Lesley --
- 20 Jul 2015 --
In this throwback video, Aerosmith’s Steven Tyler sings “Amazing Grace” with Juliette Hamilton.
The video is not dated, but was uploaded to YouTube in 2006. It has nearly 2 million views.
Steven Tyler was raised Catholic, but has dabbled in other belief systems as well. He speaks of how he found God in music:
“I think I put together the beauty of Mother Nature and music and somewhere in that I felt the presence of God.”
Just watched Steven Tyler sing Amazing Grace with my son.
Benny: Is that Jesus?
Me: Um, no.
Benny: Good, he's too hairy for Jesus.
— Ben Levendusky (@benlevendusky) July 14, 2015