Prayer to be held at Buffalo Wild Wings in Alabama


Not the newest approach to worship. Church plans their Sunday services at Buffalo Wild Wings in Alabama.

Reverend Wesley Savage, the youth pastor at the Riverchase United Methodist Church in Alabama, has announced a move to Buffalo Wild Wings for Sunday morning services. Now, this may seem strange if not for the recent launch of the McMass Project just days ago in which church organizers are raising funds to build a church inside the McDonalds in hopes of capturing more “modern audiences”, as well as the evangelists who spread the gospel at a few bars. It is likely that we will be seeing more of similar stories cropping up as this progresses.

WIngs. Prayer. Sports.

Making Church Less “Scary” to non-church-goers

This new approach is intended to attract those who may be intimidated by attending a church setting, though Buffalo Wild Wings won’t be serving beer during the service. Savage says they “hope it’s going to be a more inviting atmosphere.” There are signs that say “Wings. Prayer. Sports.” which the church is paying for, as well as enjoying some of the food to help the business out. They will be encouraging others to stay for lunch and sports, and, yes, beer. Savage adds, “This is part of the partnership. We’ll help them with their business because they’re helping us.” The church wants to appeal to a wider audience, showing that they are accepting of all people. The Sunday services will run for 45 minutes while the restaurant prepares to open for the public.

The wings-and-salvation method might prove helpful, as many people might be interested in the service, though not interested in the actual church itself. The church aims to reach out to potential parishioners and worshippers who prefer a more modern, comfortable setting.


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