Over 10,000 “Christmas is All About Jesus” Signs To Go Up In Tennessee

A Pastor's Crusade to put Christ back in Christmas. Pastors all over Tennessee have embarked on spreading the message that Jesus should be celebrated

Trump: Love Is In The Air, But No Endorsement From Black Pastors

Trump and black pastors disagree on what happened in their meeting, but Trump said there was "love." It appeared at first to be an

Ben Carson Appoints Evangelical Johnnie Moore As Faith Advisor

Evangelical millennial Johnnie Moore has been appointed as Christian Faith Adviser to Ben Carson's presidential campaign. Ben Carson, the GOP presidential contender, announced Johnnie

The Pope Urges Peace and Reconciliation in a War Zone

Pope Francis visits Central African Republic War Zone Pope Francis made history when he visited Central African Republic (CAR) – a designated war zone.

Mormons Launch New “A Savior Is Born” Christmas Campaign

Mormons are debuting new Christmas Billboards, videos and a website for #ASaviorIsBorn. An initiative started by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints hopes

In Indiana, The FFRF Displays a Nativity Scene that Features the Bill of Rights

Holiday displays outside an Indiana courthouse showcase both religious and secular symbols, including one Nativity scene celebrating the Bill of Rights. For five decades,

Brad Pitt Revealing His Thoughts on Religion in New Interview

Brad Pitt talks openly about religion and his Southern Baptist childhood in a new interview. The acclaimed actor, Brad Pitt recently made it public

Advent 2015

Advent has Begun – Traditions of the Christian Celebration

The traditions and celebrations of Christian Advent. The word advent comes from the Latin, Adventus which means "to come to." This is a term

Evolution Is Most Popular in the World Among Young and Non-Americans

PEW Research shows 73% of younger Americans believe in Evolution. There are very few things that have caused a division in the people of


Donate Now So You Can Install Rainbow Festivus Poles In Your State Capitol Building

The Humanity Fund's LGBT campaign will put Rainbow Festivus Poles in State buildings. The last two years saw Chaz Stevens, an activist from Florida,