LDS Church Opposes Utah’s Medical Marijuana Initiative

LDS Church Opposes Utah’s Medical Marijuana Initiative

The LDS church exerts an undue influence on the Utah populace. The general authority of Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came out

It's Love! At Bible Gateway

Bible Gateway Reveals the #1 Most Searched Terms

The mission of Bible Gateway is to honor Christ. Bible Gateway, the popular online scripture resource, has revealed several illuminating statistics[/tweetit] concerning its readers

Mormons Celebrate Their Biggest Holiday “Pioneer Day”

Why Is Pioneer Day the Biggest Holiday for Mormons?

Pioneer Day is celebrated July 24. Pioneer Day is arguably the utmost significant day of the year to Mormons, followers of The Church of

Mormon Church Donates to Child Abuse Victims

Mormon Church Donates to Child Abuse Victims

LDS donated $50,000 to the Children’s Justice Center Female leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints donated $50,000 to Children's Justice

LDS Condemn Trump's Family Separations at US-Mexico Border

LDS Condemn Trump’s Family Separations at US-Mexico Border

LDS said forced family separations are "aggressive and insensitive." Eric Hawkins, spokesman for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, issued a statement

Is The Mormon Church Becoming More Open To Same-Sex Couples?

Is The Mormon Church Becoming More Open To Same-Sex Couples?

LDS Genealogical Database Will Now Include Homosexuals The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is undergoing a massive project to collect the genealogy

Imagine Dragons Singer Dan Reynolds Want To Change Mormon-LGBTQ Relations

Imagine Dragons Singer Dan Reynolds Wants to Change Mormon-LGBTQ Relations

Dan Reynolds' New Film Believer Will Be Exploring The Topic Dan Reynolds, the frontman of Imagine Dragons, is all set to release his new

BYU Adlab Takes A Unique Approach To Religion

BYU Adlab Takes A Unique Approach To Religion

Students Wanted To Create A Non-Biased View Of Mormonism The topic of religion is becoming one of the most difficult to broach in the

Credits: Coffee Geek Drinks

A Fascinating Look At Why Christians Love Coffee

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld once said about coffee “We want to do a lot of stuff; we’re not in great shape. We didn’t get a

Should You Care That Mormons Left The Boy Scouts?

Should You Care About Mormons Leaving The Boy Scouts?

Why Mormons are ending their association with Boy Scouts and how it could affect your life. Many of you will not think that Mormons