What Kind of Wine Did Jesus Drink?

Researchers may have the answer to what kind of wine Jesus might have drank back in the day. Biblical historians and researchers have pondered

How Music Festivals and Religion are Intertwined

The connection between faith and music is undeniable, especially in the context of music festivals. "Music is a moral law. It gives soul to

Betsy DeVos’ Dream of The Private Evangelical School

Betsy DeVos' vision of her private evangelical school, Potter's House. The Potter’s House is a top tier school situated in Grand Rapids, Michigan. However,

The Bible is in 87% of American Households

Bible-reading habits in America are now showing a positive trend. The Bible is in 87% of American Households[/tweetthis] This news comes as a matter

Evangelicals are Now Celebrating Jewish Passover

For some Christians celebrating Passover, it is a rediscovery of their faith Although Christianity traces its origins in Judaism, the two faiths have traditionally

Kevin Sorbo Takes on Pledge of Allegiance in Faith Film ‘One Nation Under God’

Kevin Sorbo's next faith film tackles the pledge of allegiance. Kevin Sorbo is days away from filming another in his line of faith films.[/tweetit]

Florida Senate Votes to Allow Students to Express Religion on School Grounds

The bill does have its share of detractors with some fearing that it infringes too heavily upon the separation of church and state. Last

Trump Will Deliver Liberty University Commencement Address

World’s largest evangelical university’s ties with President Trump to be cemented during May visit. The students of Liberty University have mixed feelings about President

Anti-Islamophobia Bill Passes in Canada

The M-103 bill to condemn religious discrimination passed 201 to 91 on Thursday. Canada's House of Commons easily passed M-103, a non-binding motion which

Parents and Pastors aren’t in Sync on Youth Ministry Goals

Safety is the top priority of youth groups for virtually all parents. A prominent magazine printed a piece where the author argued that the