Religious Freedom Endangered by Rise in Blasphemy Law Use Led by Pakistan

Governments around the world are increasingly invoking blasphemy laws, with Pakistan by far the country that jails the most citizens for allegedly attacking religion, a US report said Thursday. …

Jewish Mausoleums Destroyed in Syria

Ancient Jewish Mausoleums Destroyed by al-Qaeda-Linked Group in Syria

Syria has been in religious unrest since 2011, and militants are continuing to destroy religious sites. The latest attack has been on ancient Jewish

Eastern Orthodox Leaders Defend Christian Brothers and Plead for Peace Prayer for Syria

Heads and representatives of the Eastern Orthodox religion have issued a statement in the defense of their “Christian brothers” throughout the world who are

Eastern Orthodox Leaders Convene

Eastern Orthodox Leaders Convene to Pray for an End to Violence

Heads and representatives of the Eastern Orthodox religion have issued a statement in the defence of their “Christian brothers” throughout the world who are