You Can Now Get a Kosher Hot Dog at Wrigley Field


Wrigley Stadium will be the 13th national park to offer kosher hot dogs.

What do you order on your hotdog for a baseball game? Mustard or Ketchup? Relish or Onions? Fans at Wrigley Field will have a new option. Kosher or not kosher?

You Can Now Get a Kosher Hot Dog at Wrigley Field[/tweetthis]

Wrigley Field is 103 years old. It recently saw the Chicago Cubs win the 2016 World Series, the team’s first win in over 100 years.

This is the first time the stadium has offered kosher food. It will be the 13th major league baseball park to sell kosher products.

The stand, owned by Kosher Standz, is named DanZtand and opened on Friday.

Kosher foods follow Jewish religious traditions. They do not contain pork and the animals have been slaughtered following Jewish laws. In the United States only about 25% of those that eat kosher products are Jewish.


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