Brett Favre Tricked into Recording Anti-Semitic Message
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 05 Dec 2018 --

Favre donated his $500 payment to anti-bigotry charities.
Brett Favre, the former quarterback of the Green Bay Packers, has apologized and claimed he was tricked by a white supremacist group into recording a video which was later found out to be anti-Semitic.[/tweetit] The 49-year-old NFL legend posted a lengthy explanation on his social media account, stating that at the time of making the video, he thought that his presence supported United States veterans.
Brett Favre Tricked into Recording Anti-Semitic Message[/tweetthis]
The “Goyim Defense League” and “Handsome Truth” are the two anti-Semitic groups who paid Favre $500 to voice a script which enclosed dog-whistle messaging and coded language. The organizations introduced themselves to the player by claiming to represent U.S. veterans. When Favre found out the true nature of their message, he spoke out against the two groups and made listeners clear he was tricked into reading their foul message.
Favre was fooled as the perpetrators used “Cameo,” an app which permits its users to pay their chosen celebrity to record short and pithy video messages. The player’s speech contains snippets which at first appear innocuous to the lay listener but have immense significance to the alt-right. For example, the athlete’s speech had “waking up” as a key element. This phrase is utilized by the alt-right to voice their anti-Semitic hate speech. It is used to push their red-pill ideology. The ideology claims the existence of groups which are trying to assert absolute control over whites, and the only way white men could fight back is by “waking up.”
Yet another alt-right phase uttered by Favre was “Don’t let the small get you down.” The word “small” is a slur word for Yarmulkes, the Jewish cap. Another term was USS Liberty. It is actually the name of a research ship which was sunk by the Israeli navy after the latter mistook it for an Egyptian military ship during the 1967 Six-Day War. 34 American soldiers were killed in the attack.
Favre not only posted a public apology, but he also donated the $500 he received from the group via Cameo to charities who fight against bigotry and hate. He wrote that like a vast majority of Americans he is sickened by what the alt-right espouses and their role in the negative political climate. The Cameo incident, he pointed out, is a notable example of how such hate groups misuse social media to promote their toxic agenda.