Can You Design a Sculpture of Peace for The Baha’i?

Build a monument of peace, justice and unity for the Baha’i.

The Baha’i are in search of someone who can design a large monumental steel sculpture representing peace[/tweetit], justice, and unity for a park. The Baha’i Faith is a monotheistic religion which believes in the spiritual unity of all humankind. The Baha’i base their teachings and doctrines on the unity of God, religion, humanity and diversity.

Can You Design a Sculpture of Peace for The Baha’i?[/tweetthis]

The Baha’i are the proud owners of a forested piece of land in Muskegon, Michigan, USA. The piece of land lies near Lake Michigan and it boasts of a meditation garden and a large open grassy area. This area is popularly known as the Peace Park. The Baha’i community is solely responsible for maintenance of the land and protects its future.

Under instructions from Abdu’l-Baha himself (eldest son and designated successor of Baha’u’llah), the Baha’i in the area were to set aside the original plot of land for a future Baha’i house of worship. Before this happens, the Baha’i want to dedicate a section of the park to a significant art installation. The installation will express themes of Just, unity, brotherhood and peace. In light of this, the community has announced an international art competition for a new sculpture that will stand in the park and express themes related to the Baha’i principles.

The international competition began in January 2017 and will end on the first of July with the announcement of the winning entry to be on the July 31, 2017. The sculpture is to be erected before the bicentennial celebration of the birth of the Prophet Baha’u’llah on October 22, 2017. The competition is open to anyone, regardless of race, color, and ethnicity. No entry fee is required and the design should endeavor to reflect on the concept of art as worship to the best of one’s ability.

The theme of the art piece should either be peace, brotherhood, unity or justice. The base of the art object will be carved out of 5/8” thick steel. The sculpture will also be made of steel. The design should not tempt people to use it as recreational equipment. The monumental steel sculpture should be simple as well and recognizable and easy to understand its intent. In addition, the art is hoped to be a silent teacher that easily evokes agreement and avoids abrasive controversy. Above all, the art should be dignified.

Baha’i believe there is only one God who is the source of all creation and that all major religions have the same spiritual source. Baha’i believe all human beings were created equal and the diversity of race and culture is worthy of appreciation and acceptance. As humans, we are expected to learn how to love God through prayer, reflection, and service to humanity. This is in line with Baha’i teachings. The Baha’i faith was founded in 19th-century Persia by Baha’u’llah. Baha’i doctrine and religious history are said to have unfolded through a line of divine messengers. Each of the messengers established a religion that was suited to the needs of the time and capacity of the people.


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