Archdiocese of Mexico Says Mexicans Who Help Build Trump’s Wall are “Traitors”
- By C Barnett --
- 28 Mar 2017 --
Editorial by the Archdiocese condemned the Mexican government for not being tough with Mexican companies that intend to help in the wall construction.
The Catholic Church of the predominantly Catholic country, Mexico, has stiffly warned Mexicans that whoever helps in building President Trump’s wall will be deemed a traitor. The Archdiocese of Mexico has taken a very openly aggressive stance against Donald Trump, and even labeled him a “fanatic.”
Archdiocese of Mexico Says Mexicans Who Help Build Trump’s Wall are “Traitors”[/tweetthis]
The Archdiocese issued an editorial in which the Church said any company that comes forward to help build the wall will be considered “immoral.” Any shareholders or other parties involved in getting the wall built will be considered “traitors to the homeland.”
The issue of the wall has caused a lot of strain and animosity between the American and Mexican governments. The Mexican government has vehemently refused to help in building the wall, and has been against the decision from the very start. However, the Mexican government has not been very severe with construction companies that are showing an interest in the business opportunity before them. This lukewarm attitude has created fears that the Mexican government may not stick to its original resolutions.
The Archdiocese too made a note of this lukewarm attitude by the Mexican government. The Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo on Tuesday had, however, warned companies from taking part in Trump’s projects, saying it would not be in their best interests to be part of this move by the U.S. President.
Any Mexican construction companies willing to work on Trump’s border wall would be "traitors to the homeland.”
— Michael Hoffman (@HoffmanMichaelA) March 27, 2017
The Desde la fe editorial, which carried this article by the Archdiocese, also spoke about how the wall would increase the hatred and prejudice that is already brewing between the people of both nations. It also added supporting a cause which is humiliating to the homeland is as good as “shooting oneself in the foot.”
The fears expressed by the editorial and the people seem to be based on legitimate reasons. Mexican companies have already come forward to help in the construction of the wall. Mexican cement maker Cemex revealed its readiness to supply raw materials for the construction of the wall, although they said will not be directly participating in the construction itself. Another Mexican company, Grupo Cementos de Chihuahua, which also specializes in the supply of construction of materials, indicated its willingness to help in the construction.