Secular Coalition for America Hires Christian Leader Larry Decker

The Secular Coalition for America has hired Larry Decker to be their new executive director. The Secular Coalition for America has hired Christian Larry

How Influential is the Russian Orthodox Church in State Affairs?

The union of the Russian Orthodox Church and state is the new normal in Russia. The country's 1993 Constitution clearly describes Russia as secular,

Challenging the “Religious Kids are less Altruistic” Study

A scholar is challenging studies that are saying that religious kids are less altruistic than children who are non-religious. Terrorism by radical Islamists and

Spaceship santa

High Tech Santa Won’t Be Coming to Town in his Spaceship This Year

Simon Malls protesters destroyed Santa's new North Pole glacier theme, which some said looked like a spaceship, in favor of a traditional Christmas tree.

Study Shows That Religion Makes Children More Selfish

Study Shows That Religion Makes Children More Selfish

Ironically, religious parents were found to be of the opinion that their kids were more sensitive and empathetic to the suffering of others. A

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

Secular 2014 Conference to Focus on the Religious Right, Secularism and Civil Rights

“Secularism is probably the one big issue for our century. This century is not, as many still think, marked by a religious or spiritual