Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine

Pope Francis Calls for Peace and Reconciliation on 1,000th Day of Ukraine War

Marking the grim milestone of 1,000 days since Russia’s large-scale invasion of Ukraine, Pope Francis issued a heartfelt plea for peace, reconciliation, and dialogue

Monseñor Rolando Alvarez

Nicaragua Frees 12 Catholic Priests Under Vatican Agreement

The government of Nicaragua has released 12 Roman Catholic priests and sent them to Rome in accordance with a deal forged with the Vatican. 

St Peter's Basilica

Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest and oldest Christian denomination in the world, with some 221,700 parishes, 467,000 clergy, and 1.3 billion members. 

(Vatican City by @Dough88888 is licensed under CC BY-NC_ND 2.0)

New Book Looks into the Value of Religious Confession

“Religious Confession and Evidential Privilege in the 21st Century” seeks to spark discussion on the preservation of the confidentiality of confession while increasing accountability,

How Do You Get Religion Understood?

Church attendance in the U.S. is on a 20-year nosedive. From 70% attending services in 1999, it has declined year after year to 47%

Pope Francis’ Encyclical on the Environment Draws Interest

Pope Francis is preparing to issue his encyclical, a letter to all bishops of the Roman Catholic Church, on the environment. An official from