Catholic girls' school was built on profits earned from slavery There have been many stories of nuns being the victims of abuse while stories
Yarchen Gar appeals have lead to physical abuse Chinese authorities have taken increasingly drastic steps to remove Tibetan Buddhists from the Yarchen Gar [/tweetit]
The abuse was perpetrated over 50 years A judge-led official inquiry discovered thousands of children from four homes administered by Sisters of Nazareth (SoN)
It is not mandatory to report crimes to local police A revolutionary new edict by Pope Francis forces all Catholic nuns and priests to
A few nuns tore the oppressive cloak of silence. An investigation by The Associated Press into the dark side of celibacy within the Catholic
The Holy See will field a team in the Italian Paralympics. The Vatican has signed about 60 Swiss Guards, pharmacists, priests, and nuns to
The two California nuns, now retired, have apologized for what they did. Two Roman Catholic nuns, Sister Lana Chang and Sister Mary Margaret Kreuper,
SCAI was established in October 2015 to investigate the historical abuse inflicted upon children living in care all over Scotland. Children an orphanage in
The church declined to say the number of nuns it has withdrawn. The Chilpancingo-Chilapa Diocese, a Roman Catholic Diocese, has moved all nuns from
Peruvians were not amused The Lima stopover of Pope Francis saw his audience witness a seemingly moderate pontiff comparing nuns who gossip with terrorists[/tweetit].