Catholic prayer

Catholic Meditation App Makes Big Game Debut, Promoting Prayer and Peace

For the first time in Super Bowl history, an ad for a Catholic prayer app has created history by generating a record spike in

Scientology Super Bowl ad 2024

Latest Scientology Super Bowl Ad—“Take A Look”

The long-awaited Scientology ad for Super Bowl LVIII appeared before a worldwide audience of billions. The church has made a name for itself with

Pro-Kavanaugh Ad Flips the Script On ‘Me Too’ Movement

Pro-Kavanaugh Ad Flips the Script On ‘Me Too’ Movement

#MomsForKavanaugh's "It Could Happen to You" advertisement A controversial ad by the conservative group Catholic Vote has caused a social media uproar[/tweetit] after it

Toyota Tone Deaf Religious Super Bowl Ad Angers Hindus

Toyota’s Tone Deaf Religious Super Bowl Ad Angers Hindus

Toyota Ad Was Supposed to be About Inclusion But misses the point The inclusion of issues of social justice and inclusion can be a

Ganesha Ad

Hindus Are Outraged by An Australian Ad

Conservative Hindus take umbrage at the depiction of Lord Ganesh ostensibly partaking meat A Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) ad promoting lamb as acceptable

FFRF: The Battle has Begun! This is War, Pope!

Freedom from Religion Foundation launches assault protesting Pope Francis' visit with National Ads. A lot of Americans and the media may be very excited

"Investigative Project on Terrorism" homepage Takeover ad.

New York Times Runs Site Takeover & Print Ad by Group Concerned about Radical Muslim Terrorism

An unprecedented full page takeover ad ran today sponsored by "The Investigative Project on Terrorism" A homepage takeover ad from an advertiser