“We the People” on Cop Cars Instead of Divisive “In God We Trust”
- By Gary Nguyen --
- 29 Apr 2016 --
In a move against “in God We Trust” on cop cars in other states, Arkansas puts “We the People” on their cars.
There is nothing new to see “In God We Trust” words on the vehicles of a number of fire departments and police forces all across America. Especially the past year, it’s been a common talking point based on the actions of police departments across the country. Emblazoning the motto across city department vehicles ostracizes those who do not believe in God. However, one city in Arkansas is putting a new phrase on their vehicles.
“We the People” on Cop Cars Instead of Divisive “In God We Trust”[/tweetthis]
We the People
Arkansas’ Austin Police Department defied the trend in their own way. God was shifted over, and instead the words “We the People” are now printed to their vehicles. To any rational person, this move makes sense. It is to be remembered that the police are present to defend the American constitution and not much else.
For the Austin Police force, it was a measured step. The new decal not only upheld the Constitution of the United States, but also mirrored the duties of the officers themselves. The action reflected the duties of law enforcement personnel who has committed and also sworn to uphold laws of the US and also the ideals as stated by the Constitution, sans personal opinion, bias or prejudice. The new statement reflects the truth that police officers themselves are part of the expressed “people.”
Outpouring of support
The new step when published on social media found wide support among users. It acquired a great number of shares and comments. Hundreds of users shared and distributed the post. Users were effusive in praising Austin Police. The department received many thanks for taking such a secular step.
One social media user, Scott McKellar, gave kudos to the Austin Police Department for sporting a welcoming, secular and inclusive motto. Another commenter, Chris Bellman, said the decision “promotes harmony in the community rather than division which other words can cause.”
The Austin Police Department described the step as a “rolling commitment” in their social media post. It reminded readers that there is a good reason behind “We The People.” This is a component of the opening statement to preamble of United States Constitution. The Chief of the Austin Police Department, James Kulesa, said that he and his fellow law enforcement officers are sworn and committed to uphold all laws of the US and the country's constitutional ideals. He also said that these will be done without being tainted by prejudice and bias. Personal opinion also does not count.