After 50 Years of Service, Elder Richard G. Scott of the Church of The Latter-day Saints Dies At 86

Elder Richard G. Scott spent his life in the Lord’s cause and was happy to do it. On Tuesday, September 22, Richard G. Scott

FFRF: The Battle has Begun! This is War, Pope!

Freedom from Religion Foundation launches assault protesting Pope Francis' visit with National Ads. A lot of Americans and the media may be very excited

The Pope In DC: Congress’ Reaction to the Challenge

Pope stresses the importance of the U.S. in fighting climate change and creating a society that is inclusive and tolerant. As part of his

God are you there? I googled you.

A New York Times  writer analyzes Google search trends related to religion and God. Seth Stephens-Davidowitz from the New York Times is busy trying

Nusrat Qadir Jalsa Salana

Can Centralized Muslim Leadership Be the Secret to Taking Down ISIS?

The Khalifa of Islam, His Holiness Mirza Masroor Ahmad, says radicalized youth must learn the true teachings of Islam: peace and dedication to humanity.

Sikh People Raise Astonishing $80,000 to Fight Hate

National Sikh Campaign plans to educate the U.S. about the Sikh faith and to end misguided hate crimes. Many people in the world have

Watch Gay Muslim’s Daring Pilgrimage to Mecca in ‘A Sinner in Mecca’

Parvez Sharma, a gay Muslim, filmed his Hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, taking viewers where they've never been before. Imagine that you’ve been brought up

Pope Francis’ Makes a Unique Stop in Cuba at a Santeria Shrine

Pope Francis acknowledged the 13 percent of Cubans who practice Santeria during his trip. Pope Francis has been touring Cuba and is now visiting

This is Why You Should Actually Be Nice to Mormon Missionaries

Understanding Mormon missionaries will make you think twice before slamming the door in their faces. Mormon missionaries have achieved a level of unexpected fame

Atheist Richard Dawkins & Bristol Palin’s Startling Reactions to Ahmed Mohamed

Despite overwhelming support for Ahmed Mohamed, figures like Richard Dawkins and Bristol Palin are critical of the 14-year-old's intentions. After learning Ahmed Mohamed’s not-so-pleasant