How Do You Get Happy and Stay Happy? You Join a Religion, Study Says

A recent study shows participation in religion makes you happy for a sustained amount of time. At least so state the results of a

Define God

These are the Top 10 Definitions of God in One Word

If you could pick just one word to illustrate God what would it be? HuffPo publishes the top 10 definitions of God submitted by

Rise in Jew-Hatred on California University Campuses Prompts Movement to Redefine “Anti-Semitism”

Jewish groups ask for changes in anti-Semitism definition in the University of California school system. Several Jewish organizations have petitioned the University of California

UK Coroners Must Consult Religious Beliefs Before Doing Autopsies

Coroners must adhere to the wishes of the deceased’s family if a non-invasive procedure could determine the cause of death, rather than an autopsy.

Racial Diversity In Religion

How Ethnically Diverse are Religions?

Research by Pew ranks the least and most racially diverse religions. A Protestant denomination, the Seventh-Day Adventists, weighs in as the most racially diverse

Atheists are More Welcome in America than Muslims

Even if America strongly believes in religious freedom, the public is still cold in welcoming Muslims. The United States has long been considered as

Transgender Community Finds Unexpected Welcome Across Different Faith Groups

Transgender individuals are finding support in religion for strength during their transitions. For ages, people who have struggled with their gender identity did not

Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Have More than Doubled This Year Alone in United Kingdom

Crime figures released by the U.K. Police last week indicate that 10% of anti-Semitic crimes are violent in nature. Anti-Semitic hate crimes which include

Religious Trauma Syndrome

What is Religious Trauma Syndrome?

American psychologist, educator and writer Marlene Winell describes her research on the effects some feel after leaving a religion. According to American psychologist, educator

Summit of Conscience for the Climate is Attended by Faith Leaders Across the World

“PNN Los Nevados Colombia (7)” by Climate Change is licensed under CC BY 2.0 Faith leaders from around the world met to discuss the