Can an Orthodox Jewish Rule on “No Touching” Improve Your Relationship?

Not getting physical puts the other person's intentions to the test. The time was 2:00 a.m. in Jerusalem and I was sitting on the

Jewish Community Centers Nationwide Face Third Wave of Bomb Threats

JCCs hit with bomb threats for the third time a month. In the month of January, Jewish Community Centers (JCCs) were threatened with bomb

Rabbis Arrested in Protest of Muslim Ban at Trump Hotel

18 rabbis were arrested protesting outside Trump Hotel. Guests and visitors at the Trump International Hotel in New York witnessed 18 rabbis being arrested

Religion and the Super Bowl: God, The Pope, Lady Gaga and Scientology on the playing field

How the Super Bowl, football, and faith are inevitably intertwined. Sunday’s Super Bowl will go down in history as being one of the most

Four Chaplains Sunday Commemorates Priests of Different Faiths Who Gave Their Lives to Save Soldiers

Four Army chaplains gave their life jackets to other soldiers as their ship was sinking in WWII. February 3 was enacted by Congress as

At National Prayer Breakfast Trump Announces He Wants to Repeal Johnson Amendment

Right-wing Christian Evangelical leaders are happy with the announcement, however, most Americans and pastors prefer separation of church from state. President Trump announced during

Scientific Evidence Behind Outcome of Biblical Story Thanks to NASA Data

Using NASA data and etymology Israeli scientists discover a solar eclipse occurred during the Battle in Gibeon In the Book of Joshua in the

Secularists in Britain Seek an End to “Unjustified Religious Privilege”

Secularists respond to report on Britain's religion and beliefs by requesting equal treatment for all, regardless of religious beliefs. Following the publication of a

Religious Services Now Being Held in OH and WV Prisons for Pagans, Wiccans, & Satanists

Supreme Court review of the matter in 2005 sees no reason to stop religious services in prisons; Druid priestess sees positive changes in inmates.

Religious Crowd Gathers in Support of Women’s March

People of faith stood in unity at Women's March in Washington D.C. The early morning hours of January 21 saw large gatherings of women