No, Seriously, How Many Muslims Are in America?
- By Elisa Meyer --
- 08 Jan 2016 --
New figures from the Pew Research Center indicate the proportion of Muslims living in the United States.
An estimate made by Pew Research Center on the population of Muslims living in America comes to approximately 3.3 million individuals in 2015. They comprise one percent of total U.S. population (322 million people). Research has suggested that the number of American Muslims will double within 2050.
In a few American cities, Muslims make up more than one percent of the total population. Individuals following the Islamic faith are unevenly distributed at a state level. A few states, like New Jersey, have even 3 times the amount of Muslim adults compared to the national average.
The figures have assumed importance after there was a slew of political debates in recent times in the U.S. over Muslim immigration. Many wanted to know the number of Muslims actually residing in the U.S. The answer to this question is harder to get as the U.S. Census Bureau have no questions to ask its respondents about their religion. It means that no official government count exists when it comes to the American Muslim population.
The data includes adults and children. Future projections take into account relevant data concerning age, mortality, religious switching, fertility and migration extracted from multiple sources, including a survey done in 2011 of Muslim Americans. The current estimate suggests that fewer Muslims are residents in the United States compared to people following the Jewish faith. To put in perspective, there are 5.7 million Jews and 2.1 million Hindus. The Sikh population is much less.
One factor is noticeable: there is gradual growth in the population of Muslims in America and percentage of U.S. population which identifies itself as Muslim. If present day projections come to fruition, then the American Muslim population will increase quicker compared to both the Jewish and Hindu population in coming years. This accelerated growth will ensure that in 2040, Muslims will become the second biggest religious group in America, trailing the Christians. The American Muslim population will reach 8.1 million individuals or about 2.1 percent of total population by 2050.
Immigration has contributed to just over 50 percent of projected growth of American Muslim population from 2010 to 2015. The past 20 years has witnessed an increase in Muslim immigrants arriving in the US. Immigrants belonging to the Muslim community presently represents approximately 10 percent of all authorized immigrants arriving to US shores. Unauthorized immigrants contribute a smaller percentage. Natural increase is another cause of the rise of the American Muslim population. Followers of this faith usually have more children compared to other faiths. Conversion has contributed a negligible number to the US Muslim population.