Vague Consensus of Synod on Family Disappoints Progressive Catholics

The inclination of the church towards consideration of some of the "progressive" issues may be a welcome change but a lot American Catholics have

Bernie Sanders Captures Hearts with Anti-Racism Statements

Sanders may have made some gains in the Presidential race with anti-racism statement and a hug. Bernie Sanders, who hopes to land the Democratic

Pope urges youth to read the bible

The Pope Urges Youth to Read the Bible

The Pope is fond of the New German Bible for Youth. In his prologue to a new German Bible for youth, His Holiness Pope

Thich Naht Hanh recieves Peace on Earth award

Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh Receives Catholic “Peace on Earth” Award

Thich Nhat Hanh, "Thay" is the first Buddhist to receive the Catholic Pacem in Terris peace award. Thích Nhất Hạnh, a Buddhist monk hailing

Protestants Celebrate Martin Luther on Reformation Day

The anniversary of Martin Luther's 95 Theses is celebrated on Reformation Day. Though the date of October 31 is most widely known as the

Watch Porn Star Jenna Jameson’s Jewish Journey on TV

Jenna Jameson will star in a reality TV show about her conversion to Judaism and upcoming marriage in Israel. Jenna Jameson, who is more

Samhain myths

These 5 Things About Samhain Are Actually Myths

5 things about Samhain that actually aren't true at all. Samhain is a celebration or festivity which has its origin in Gaelic or Celtic

Are the Black Church Fires Motivated by Religion or Racism?

The string of seven St. Louis church fires are under investigation. A string of fires at seven churches in St. Louis, Missouri, located within

Pro-Life Support Quickly Increased After Pope Francis Visit

The pope’s recent visit to the United States has spurred an increase in pro-religious views, primarily giving rise to the support for pro-life advocacy.

Sikh Langar Feeds Thousands at Parliament of the World’s Religions Conference

Sikhs host a pop-up lunch for people of all faiths at Salt Lake convention. The Parliament of the World's Religions, which was held in