Biggest Difference Between Carson and Trump? Carson Doesn’t Deny His Religion
- By Hayli Harding --
- 14 Sep 2015 --
Carson’s jab at Trump’s religion might rock support for the outspoken candidate.
On Wednesday night, Ben Carson finally made his own jab towards Trump, albeit in one of the politest ways seen so far during this campaign. He was in California, answering questions to his supporters there, when one asked what the largest difference between Trump and Carson was. His response? “I don’t in any way deny my faith in God.” He prompted a question among those who have already been struggling to remain on Trump’s bandwagon, one many were already asking every chance they had: Trump’s religious identity.
Before announcing his presidential bid, Trump spoke with the Christian Broadcasting Network and said that he will be the “greatest representative of Christians that they’ve had in a long time.” A few weeks ago, he announced to Iowa conservatives that he had never requested forgiveness from God. Only a month ago, he was saying that the Bible was his favorite book, but declining to speak any further. For some, such as Bob Greenspan of Mission Viejo, CA, this was troublesome and it means he was just using “Trump-speak” to sound appealing to voters.
#Video Donald Trump takes jabs at Carson, Fiorina: Political panel weighs in http://t.co/lqdYRn4SHH
— John Caldwell (@vaporware) September 12, 2015
Ben Carson’s biggest successes have stemmed from “[his] faith in God”.[/tweetthis]
Ben Carson has gained quite a following, particularly after his statement on Trump. He said that his biggest successes have stemmed from “[his] faith in God”. He finds that the “humility and the fear of the Lord are riches and honor and life” and he doesn’t “get that impression with [Trump].”
Trump rang back hours later on Twitter, saying “Wow, I am ahead of the field with Evangelicals (am so proud of this) and virtually every other group, and Ben Carson just took a swipe at me.” It is not guaranteed that Trump will remain ahead of Carson, who has made a slow but steady climb. Recently, NBC and Marist ran a poll that demonstrates Trump at 29% and Carson at 22%.
Wow, I am ahead of the field with Evangelicals (am so proud of this) and virtually every other group, and Ben Carson just took a swipe at me
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 10, 2015