Infamous Kim Davis Releases Memoir

Infamous Kim Davis Releases A Memoir

Infamous Kim Davis Releases Memoir
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County Clerk Kim Davis Used Personal Faith to Deny Marriage Certificates

Kim Davis, the county clerk who came into prominence due to her extreme opposition towards gay marriage has written a book. The book, which is titled Under God’s Authority is said to be filled with insights on how to live one’s life as a good Christian.

Infamous Kim Davis, Opponent of Gay Marriage, Releases Memoir[/tweetthis]

Davis, who has married four times, clearly contradicting Biblical laws, claimed it was not possible for her to issue licenses to any same-sex couple as it goes against her religious beliefs. It was pointed out to her that the Supreme Court of the United States had legalized same-sex marriage in 2015.

Davis, who opted for incarceration over issuing legal marriage licenses to couples of the same sex, writes about her experience dealing with homosexual men in her life.

The book, whose complete title is Under God’s Authority: The Kim Davis Story, was a product of co-authorship. Other than Davis’ contribution, Matt Staver and John Aman also put in their writing and composing skills. Both are members of Liberty Counsel, the anti-LGBTQ organization known for their vehement opposition to gay rights. It is to be noted that Liberty Counsel represented Davis during her legal fight against the state. The organization did this service for free.

Therefore it comes as no surprise that the Liberty Counsel praises the book. It describes it as a chronicle of a single woman against furious homosexual men who pounded their fists at her so that she could be browbeaten to do what they want. The book also laid out in detail the many hate-mails Davis received, which are described as necessary for doing what she believed was right.

The website blurb ended with the tantalizing sentence of what the reader will discover when he or she buys the book, namely what God did at a time when one solitary woman bravely refused to compromise on matters of faith. The book also promises to elaborate on how the reader should behave if he or she encounters a similar situation.

It is unclear if the book has value beyond supporting Kim Davis’s religious or political views.


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