Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban, Ignores His Anti-Muslim Speech

Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban, Ignores His Anti-Muslim Speech

President Trump’s “Muslim Ban” Gains Huge Win In a historically significant Supreme Court decision, President Trump’s ban on travelers from several countries, mostly Muslim-majority

Oregon Supreme Court Denies Appeal from Anti-Gay Christian Bakers

Oregon Supreme Court Denies Appeal from Anti-Gay Christian Bakers

Kleins will now approach the U.S. Supreme Court The Supreme Court of Oregon has stated its refusal to hear a case filed by the

Supreme Court Ruling On Religious Freedom Should Satisfy No One

Supreme Court Ruling On Religious Freedom Should Satisfy No One

The Case Was too Narrowly Decided For Any Side To Declare Victory Even though Supreme Court gave a 7-2 decision overturning the State of

Trump’s Attorney Make Baffling Error About Islam To Supreme Court

Trump’s Attorney Makes Baffling Error About Islam To Supreme Court

Noel Francisco Doesn’t Seem To Know If Islam Is A Religion Or A Country Noel Francisco, the Solicitor General in the Trump administration, made

Is Gun Violence Caused By A Lack Of Prayer?

Is Gun Violence Caused By A Lack Of Prayer?

An Examination Of The Causes And Historical Trends Of Violence The Waffle House shooting by Travis Reinking has everyone asking one question. Why do

New Jersey Supreme Court Says No To Cash For Churches

New Jersey Supreme Court Says No to Cash for Churches

Supreme Court of New Jersey's decision was a victorious ruling For ACLU. The Supreme Court of New Jersey ruled taxpayer money could not be

Supreme Court Case Could Change Both Abortion and Religion In America

Supreme Court Case Could Change Both Abortion And Religion In America

Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments About Requirements For Pro-Life Pregnancy Clinics The Supreme Court is hearing arguments in a controversial case centered on the

Jainist monk Gives Support for India’s Landmark Euthanasia Legalization

Jainist Monk Gives Support for India’s Landmark Euthanasia Legalization

India Supreme Court Gave Decision Supporting Passive Euthanasia Tajur Sagar, a Jain monk, was welcoming to the Supreme Court’s decision to allow passive euthanasia.

Missouri Supreme Court to hear Satanic Temple Abortion Case

Missouri Supreme Court to hear Satanic Temple Abortion Case

Could Involve Modification of Historical Hobby Lobby Case A member of the somewhat popular Satanic Temple has filed a lawsuit challenging Missouri's abortion law.

India produces bill that jails Muslim men for instant divorce

India produces bill that jails Muslim men for instant divorce

Triple Taraq Practice Has Caused Controversy For Women's Rights Groups India’s lower house of parliament recently passed a bill that will prosecute Muslim men