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You Will Be Surprised How Religion Has Changed in America

Survey shows that political parties will need to change their approach A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found that approximately 27 percent of

A “Pro-Life” Congress Acts Otherwise

Republicans can not call themselves pro-life if they're stripping away healthcare for mothers and children. Sometimes the odds are against you. Sometimes, the roll

Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Whirlwind

Finding Evil in America’s Public Discourse Should End When House Minority Whip Steve Scalise, a congressman representing Louisiana, was shot and critically wounded[/tweetit] just

What do Muslims, Jews, and Protestants Have in Common?

What do Muslims, Jews, and Protestants Have in Common?

No, it's not the beginning of a bad joke. Recent study shows priorities and concerns among Muslims, Jews and Protestants are relatively the same.

The Puzzle of the Trump Evangelical Vote

The Puzzle of the Trump Evangelical Vote

Some are baffled that Evangelicals are voting for thrice-married, formerly pro-choice Donald Trump. As the race to the Republican and Democratic presidential nominations heats

Christian Post Editors Warn Readers that “Trump is a Scam,” Taking Political Position for the First Time

The Christian Post Senior Editors asks its readers not to vote for Donald Trump. The Christian Post's senior editors have come out publicly in

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support Muslim Ban

New Hampshire Exit Poll Shows 2/3rds of Republicans Support Muslim Ban

Most New Hampshire GOP voters favor Trump’s call for Muslim ban. The New Hampshire primaries spewed out one jarring statistic: approximately two-thirds of Republican

10 Things About Mormons That Actually Aren’t True

Breaking down preconceived notions about Mormons. Even if there have been numerous efforts before to break the misconceptions about the Latter-day Saints Church or

Is Texas Ready for an Atheist House Representative? Cristin Padgett Hopes So

Cristin Padgett wants voters to open their minds and focus on critical issues, not her atheism. Cristin Padgett of the Democratic Party wants the

Religious Americans are Becoming More Accepting of Homosexuality

Many changes have occurred in American social and political attitudes, according to the latest Pew Research study. There have been many changes in idealism