Pharmacies Can’t Use Religious Belief as Exemption from Dispensing Medication Says Court of Appeals

Ruling says pharmacists need to do their job, regardless of their personal religious beliefs. The San Francisco Court of Appeals strengthened existing Washington state

Nursery Worker

Christian Nursery Worker Wins Discrimination Case after Being Fired Over Anti-Gay Views

The Watford Employment Tribunal in England has ruled that a nursery worker was discriminated and unjustly dismissed from work after expressing her Christian anti-gay

Bobby Jindal

Can Jindal’s Religious Freedom Executive Order Win Him the Presidency?

Louisiana's Religious Liberty bill failed, but can Governor Bobby Jindal's Executive Order lead his presidential campaign to the Oval Office? Debate on same-sex marriage

Jeb Bush

Jeb Bush Calls for Stronger ‘Christian Voice’ in face of Victimhood Narrative

Jeb Bush blasted Obama's administration on "Religious Freedom" and praises the need for a strong Christian voice while claiming Christian victimhood. While most of the Republican

Navy Boot Camp Under Fire for Banning Religious Volunteers

Officials at an Illinois Navy Boot Camp are defending their decision too ban select religious volunteers from their base. Officials at an Illinois Navy

Religious Freedom Discriminate

Texas Considers Amendments to Its Religious Freedom Law

After the controversies in Indiana and Arkansas, Texas is considering amendments to its own Religious Freedom laws, facing similar controversy. Texas lawmakers and business

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence Responds to RFRA Criticisms

After the nation retaliated against Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration Act, Gov. Mike Pence spoke to the press to assuage fears & announce an amendment.

Religious Restrictions Pew

Where Does America Rank in terms of Religious Restrictions?

Pew Research conducted a study on religious restrictions worldwide. Where does America fall on the list? In their 6th annual research center study, PEW

Indiana Cannabis Church

Indiana’s RFRA Paves Way for Church of Cannabis

Bill Levin has officially established the First Church of Cannabis after Indiana passed the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In response to the Religious Freedom

Sectarian Violence

How sectarian violence within Islam hurts the youth

Three young muslim teenagers playing "war games" on the streets in the muslim quarter of the old city of Jerusalem. Robert Hoetink /