Religious News From Around the Web June 8, 2020

Polls: Policy Decisions Forcing Religion's Decline in U.S., Religious freedom and Public Health, Racism a "spiritual virus," Tulsi Gabbard Addresses Hindu Commencement, Abraham Lincoln

Falwell Jr. to Be Part of White House Task Force on Higher Education

The President of Liberty University will be in charge of reforming higher education. 2016 marked a historic year for the United States. It marked

Larung Gar Buddhist Complex Getting Renovated to Improve Safety

China is rebuilding Buddhist complex Larung Gar. China is reconstructing the expansive Larung Gar complex[/tweetit] to improve public health and safety. The complex was

Pornography declared ‘Public Health Crisis’ by Utah Senate

Unanimous vote in Utah labels porn dangerous to public health. According to Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve