Michigan Church Attacked for Conversion Therapy of LGBT Teen

Michigan Church Attacked for Conversion Therapy of LGBT Teen

The church's actions drew political outrage as well. Metro City Church, a Michigan church, was subjected to flak due to a workshop for converting

Magistrate Gets $300K Over Refusal to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

Magistrate Gets $300K Over Refusal to Perform Same-Sex Marriages

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission took up her case The State of North Carolina is ordered to pay a legal settlement amounting to $300,000

The Z-GEN -The Atheist Generation

Gen Z is the first Post-Christian Generation

The percentage of Gen Z atheists is twice that of adult atheists. A study conducted by Barna Research has found atheism has lost all

Church Clarity

Top Findings from Survey on America’s Top 100 Churches

Almost every church has flaws The arrival of Church Clarity had rocked the evangelical world in October 2017.[/tweetit] The organization provides dry and factual

Evangelical Group’s ‘You Can Pray the Gay Away’ Viral Video

Anchored North is a conservative organization trying to prove being gay is unnatural. Anchored North, the evangelical Christian group known for its ultra-conservative views,

Mormon Leader Stands Firm on Stance Against Gay Marriage

The LDS church has received flak for its rigid stance against same-sex marriage. A speech given by Dallin H. Oaks, a top leader of

Dan Reynolds LOVELOUD, LGBTQ suicide

Mormon Imagine Dragons Singer’s LOVELOUD Festival Celebrates LGBTQ Community

The LOVELOUD Music Festival is scheduled to be held August 26. Dan Reynolds, Imagine Dragons' lead singer, at one time served religious missions for

Lawsuit Filed over Rainbow Flag Outside CA Lawmakers Offices

Four lawmakers are being targeted for displaying a rainbow flag outside their office. Chris Sevier, an LGBTQ rights opponent, has filed a case against

Anglican Church Vote On ‘Welcoming Transgender People’, Offering Special Services

Most church members voted for a progressive stance. The General Synod of Church of England has voted for special services to be offered to

Attorneys Asking Mississippi to Block Law that Discriminates Against LGBTQ

The House Bill 1523 is a highly restrictive law. Mississippi attorneys filed papers on July 6, requesting the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals