University didn't let a professor of communication advance in her career because she’s a woman and a witch St. Bonaventure University has been hit
Democrats support the bill Pat Robertson, the fire and brimstone televangelist, came down heavily on the Equality Act[/tweetit], saying that the pro-LGBTQ rights law
The Satanic Temple is now a full-fledged religion in the eyes of the IRS. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) now recognizes The Satanic Temple
Religious charities have protested the decision. Faith-centric Michigan adoption agencies who accept public funding will not be allowed from now on to legally reject
A person's rights should not depend on a zip code. Congressional Democrats introduced the Equality Act on March 13.[/tweetit] The bill would edit current
The protections mark a small but significant legal change for Atheists. When members of the Portland City Council voted unanimously for the plan by
Council meeting invocation speakers are invited by the City Council President "based on a personal relationship she has with them." The Satanic Temple is
Portland has a large population who identify as being religiously unaffiliated. The city of Portland, Oregon is thinking about amending their Civil Rights laws
The new law discriminates against non-Jewish Israeli citizens. Actress Natalie Portman spoke harshly against Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel, when it came