Wikipedia and Catholicism

Wikipedia and Catholicism: Navigating Misinformation and Religious Bias

Wikipedia policy of open editing allows almost anyone—believers or nonbelievers—with little knowledge of the Catholic Church to edit the entries.…

Wikipedia and Religions Editors

Top Wikipedia Editors and Most-Viewed Religious Pages: A Comprehensive List

There is a need for more updated information on the important subject of religion in Wikipedia. The religious and socioeconomic landscape has certainly changed as we navigate through post-pandemic realities.…

Holy Bible

What Happened at the Council of Nicaea? by By L. Arik Greenberg

I often hear people speak in hushed and conspiratorial tones — as if they were divulging a well-guarded secret — about how the Catholic

How Pope Francis was Selected to Lead the Catholic Church: An Interview with Gerard O’Connell

How Pope Francis was chosen, the problems he inherited from Benedict XVI, and how Francis represents "a number of firsts." The election of Pope

Has ‘Nostra Aetate’ stood the test of time?

New release from Pim Valkenberg on the 50-year legacy of Nostra Aetate. Written by Joseph Preville and Julie Poucher Harbin for ISLAMiCommentary Has Nostra Aetate –

Is the Catholic Church Experiencing Exponential Growth or Declining?

Is the Catholic Church Experiencing Exponential Growth or Declining?

A comparative analysis on the contrasting poll results on the world population of Catholics. The Catholic Church is composed of one of the biggest,

Catholic Civil Unions

Could the Catholic Church Support Civil Unions?

In a recent interview with Corriere della Sera, an Italian magazine, Pope Francis has indicated that one day the Catholic Church could support civil unions. The

Pope Frances Calls Out Catholic Church

Pope Francis calls out Catholic Church for Focus on Gay Marriage, Abortion and Contraception Issues

Pope Francis, elected in March, called out the Catholic Church's focus on Gay Marriage, Abortion and Contraception Issues, saying, "The teaching of the church,