Hispanic Global Warming

5 Powerful Stats on Hispanic Catholics and Global Warming

The difference between white Catholic views and Hispanic views on global warming is like night and day. The Pope has become, in America at

Walk in Park for health

A Walk in the Park Improves Your Health

Spending time outside could be the key to improve your health and overall wellbeing. Throughout history, moments spent strolling through floral paths, even planting

FFRF Dedicates New Monument to Atheist War Veterans

The "Atheists in Foxholes" monument challenges a military cliché. The new headquarters of the Freedom From Religion Foundation in Madison, WI will see the

These Are The Most Badass Christian Rock Album Covers

Because laying on the floor of your bedroom admiring the artwork on your new christian rock album was so much better than today staring

Why the Sharia Law Is So Dangerous for Our World

Image: collage featuring a photo by Thomas Leuthard via CC 2.0 Featured Contributors Abdur Rab and Hasan Mahmud explain how Sharia Law completely violates

Catholic CA Governor Approves Right-to-Die Bill

California is now the 5th state to honor Dignity in Death, with the right-to-die-bill. Despite strong opposition from various pro-life organizations and religious groups,

Ever Wonder Why the Jews Don’t Have a Pope?

Everybody is free to learn whatever and however they wish to from the Torah. Although there are some Jews who would really appreciate having

Instant Christ Screen Cap

Using Technology to Improve How You Pray

Christian faith-based Instant Christ is an app that's bringing people together in a safe, positive digital environment. Instant Christ is a newly designed social

Do You Know Why You’re Lonely? The Pope Does.

Pope Francis addresses issues like greed and being lonely, along with the union of man and woman, family issues at this month's Synod. Pope

Mormons Keep It 100: Three New Elders Appointed to the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

New Apostles announced at the 185th Mormon Semiannual General Conference, bringing the total number of Apostles who have served to 100. This Saturday saw