JK Rowling Slams Mike Pence with Quote From Bible

Author retweets Pence’s tweets against Trump’s call for Muslim ban to remind him of his hypocrisy. J.K. Rowling came heavily against the ban on

Setsubun-sai: Japan’s New Year’s Bean Throwing Celebration

Shinto traditions of the Setsubun-sai festival. Setsubun-sai (seasonal division) is an ancient Shinto celebration that marks the start of the Japanese New Year.[/tweetit] Shinto

Watch Reza Aslan Slam Paul Ryan on Trump’s Muslim Ban

Islamic scholar Reza Aslan's video to Paul Ryan on the Muslim ban and his immigrant roots. Iranian-American Islamic scholar Reza Aslan posted a video

Twitter Explodes at 6,200 Mentions per Hour Over President Trump’s Leaked Religious Freedom Order

"Discrimination," ACLU, George Takei most mentioned around "Religious Freedom" related keywords. Twitter's a churning sea of activity right now over President Trump's allegedly leaked

Spring Cleaning for the Soul

Scientologist David Aden on the therapeutic value of discarding piles of old, worn-out no-longer-needed things. It was time. We had planned our approach. We

Jesus Was For People, Not Popularity, Pope Says

The Pope concluded his sermon by exhorting the gathering to not be afraid of fixing their gaze on Jesus. Pope Francis called on the

Transgender Kids Can Now Be Boy Scouts, but Atheists Can’t

Transgender kids can now join the Boy Scouts of America The Boy Scouts of America officially announced they will accept transgender kids.[/tweetit] This is

Duterte’s Call For Free Birth Control is Another Push Against Catholic Church in the Philippines

Duterte makes birth control free in one of the world's most Catholic countries. The president of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte has signed an executive

Imbolc: How Pagans Celebrate the Coming Spring

Rituals of Imbolc and Lughnasadh festivals. Different religions and traditions all over the world have their own way of celebrating the transition from one

Syrian Christian Family Deported from Philadelphia Airport

Visas in order, Syrian Christian family turned back at Philly airport. A Christian family of two brothers, along with their children and wives were