Kenyan Churches are Being Painted Yellow in a Display of Unity

Kenyan Churches are Being Painted Yellow in a Display of Unity

Painting houses of prayer the color of hope: yellow. The world as we know it is burning with interreligious violence and hatred. While religious

How Hinduism Helps Tennis Player Rajeev Ram on the Court

How Hinduism Helps Tennis Player Rajeev Ram on the Court

Olympian Rajeev Ram shares how Hinduism helped him with tennis. Even as the descendants of Chinese immigrants to America have achieved great feats by

Putin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious FreedomPutin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious Freedom

Putin’s Yarovaya Laws Violate Human Rights and Religious Freedom

Russian President Vladimir Putin Signs The Yarovaya Law, A Law That Violates Religious Freedom. On July 7, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the

Not Just Scripture: Social and Political Issues Are Hot Topics in Churches

Church-goers find politics being discussed from pulpits. The presidential campaign fever has been caught by religious institutions too, with churchgoers saying that their clergy

Hindus Prepare for Varalakshmi Vratam to Honor Lakshmi

Hindus Prepare for Varalakshmi Vratam to Honor Lakshmi

History of Varalakshmi Vratam, the festival honoring Hindu god Lakshmi. Varalakshmi Vratam is a Hindu festival honoring the goddess Lakshmi, the wife of Lord

The Hindu Festival of Snakes - Nag Panchami

The Hindu Festival of Snakes – Nag Panchami

The rituals and significance of Nag Panchami. Hindu legend has it that Lord Krishna killed the mythical Kaliya, an enormous black serpent, in the

Three-Faced Stone Reveals the Last Jain Temple in Telangana

Inscriptions tell the story of how a temple for the 24th Jain Thirthankara, Sri Vardhamana Mahaveera, was constructed 850 years ago. Located in the

Bishop Donates A Kidney to Save the Life of a Hindu Man

Catholic Bishop Jacob Muricken will donate his kidney to help a man with kidney failure. A bishop in India is leading by example during

Ceremonial Use of Lights Around the World [Infographic]

Light ceremonies and rituals in a variety of religions and cultures are explained in this infographic from Solar Centre UK. Light is ubiquitous in

Hindu Women Fast for Savitri Puja

Hindus celebrate Savitri Puja Savitri Puja is one of the rituals and fasts associated with married Indian women across India during which they specifically