Google Pulls Christian “Conversion Therapy” App

Google Pulls Christian “Conversion Therapy” App

The procedures demean and torture transgenders. Google finally caved in to pressure to remove a conversion therapy app from its Google Play store.[/tweetit] The

Australian Senator Pushing Greater Church/State Separation to Obtain Marriage Equality

Australian Senator Penny Wong blamed religious organizations as the reason why Australia is still not very receptive to gay rights. Penny Wong, an Australian

Millennial Evangelicals Are Conservative Among Peers but More Liberal Than Elders

Millennials are the same as their older counterparts when it comes to attitudes and identification towards abortion. According to the 2014 Religious Landscape Study

Mike Huckabee Says “I Speak Jesus”

Mike Huckabee, former Arkansas governor, has announced today he will run in the 2016 presidential campaign. He has frequently spoken on social issues in