Religious News From Around the Web Feb. 24, 2020

Church for Sale, Coronavirus, Kirk Douglas, LGBT Services, Lent, Latter-day Saints and Gender, Sen. Orrin Hatch, Chinese Churches Christ Church Cathedral Begins LGBT+ Services

Image by Gerd Altmann

Identity and Religion: The War Against the Spirit

Who are you? What is your identity? Are you your name, your family, your car, your bank account, the language you speak or the

WRN News From the Web: Mosque Shelters Students, Atheists Not Church, US Sanctions China over Uighurs, Rohingyas Denied Education, Dublin’s Covert Church, Iran Suppressing Bahá’ís, SMU Minus Methodist?, African Churches Use Scientology

Wisconsin Students Shelter in Mosque During School Attack About 100 high school students sheltered in a mosque across the street from their Oshkosh West

Buddhist nuns train women in India By Abutchernes, CC

WRN News from Around the Web: Obama Rule Repealed, Church Demolition, Assisted Suicide, Transgender, Kung Fu Nuns, Empty Heavens

Kung Fu Buddhist Nuns The Druk Amitabha Mountain Monastery in Kathmandu has long promoted gender equality and the empowerment of women. Since 2008, Buddhist

Marie-Paul Baxiu

Falun Gong: A Reply to Chinese Oppression (Interview)

The Communist regime in China has a long history of religious suppression which began in the 1950s when Mao Zedong drove missionaries out of

Falun Gong Adherent meditating in Tieneman Square By

China Escalates Religious Suppression

While a religiously tolerant Europe slowly slips away from religious belief and observance, the government of China treats religion not as recognition of mankind’s

Vatican and China Bishops

Vatican and China are Patching Up Dispute Over Bishops

The Asian country remains the last spiritual challenge for the Vatican The Vatican and the People's Republic of China have reached an agreement to

China Christians to remove religious symbols

Chinese President Wants Pictures of Jesus Replaced with His Photo

Action closely tied to poverty-related fund allocation The Chinese Government has ordered a number of Christian villagers in Yugan county, Jiangxi province to take

China’s President Warns Against Religious Infiltration

The Chinese government is worried about overseas infiltration via religious means. The Constitution of China promises “freedom of religious belief” to its citizens. However,