Anne Frank Diary, St Nicholas Church, Kiel, Germany

Eighty Years Later They’re Still Scared of Anne Frank

Eighty years after her death, a teenage girl still strikes terror into the hearts of bigots, haters and the fools who follow them. In

An Arabic-Language "In God We Trust" Sign

Texas School District Enforces “In God We Trust” But Whose God, And Who’s We?

The spotlight never dims on Texas. Earlier this year a school district banned an Anne Frank adaptation, and now under a new state law,

Holocaust Survivor and Step-sister of Anne Frank Meets with High School Students from an anti-Semitic Photo

Step-Sister of Anne Frank Meets with HS Students in Anti-Semitic Photos

The students apologized for the photos posted to social media. Eva Schloss, a survivor of Auschwitz concentration camp and the stepsister of Anne Frank,

Holocaust Survivor Escaped Death at Tree of Life Synagogue

Holocaust Survivor Dodges Tree of Life Synagogue Shooting by 4 Minutes

Judah Samet was four minutes late to services. Judah Samet, a survivor of the Holocaust, escaped death once again when he was late to

War, U.S. Anti-refugee Sentiment and Bureaucracy Prevented Anne Frank Family’s Escape

War, U.S. Anti-Refugee Sentiment, and Bureaucracy Prevented Anne Frank’s Escape

The Franks were slaughtered by the Nazis in Bergen-Belsen in 1945. A report published by U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and Anne Frank House describes

Deutsche Bahn Anne Frank

Germany Names a Train After Anne Frank and Social Media Reacts

Anne Frank's name was one of the most popular suggestions made for the railway. Germany’s national railway, Deutsche Bahn is under attack on social

US Holocaust Memorial Launches campaign to preserve Documented Holocaust Accounts

US Holocaust Memorial Museum to digitally preserve diaries of holocaust survivors During the Holocaust, millions of Jews and other minority groups died due to

LDS Leaders Encourage Baptisms for the Dead

Mormons encouraged to baptize their dead ancestors. Last Saturday, during a Mormon conference held in Salt Lake City, Utah, the First Counselor in the

Charm From Nazi Death Camp Believed to be Linked to Anne Frank

Experts are now on the lookout for the families of the two girls to uncover more information; pendant is one of only two pendants