Stop Making Fun of Wiccans

Stop Making Fun of Wiccans

Wicca has Every Right to Exist and Practice Maybe Even More so than Other Religions. If someone told you they were a Wiccan what

Why Christians Should Support the Elimination of Guns

Why Christians Should Support the Elimination of Guns

The Bible and Facts Make A Clear Case For A Gun Free America Would anyone argue that Christians have a religious obligation to protect

Do Christians really believe in the power of prayer?

Do Christians really believe in the power of prayer?

There are actual limitations to what people will pray for You have probably heard this story before. Someone prayed for a cure for their

Why Christians Should Love Porn Stars

Why Christians Should Love Porn Stars

Christians have made too many contradictions on the porn industry and sex Watching the pornstar Stormy Daniels talk about her alleged affair with President

Trump Passes Law To Strengthen Ties With Evangelicals

Trump’s Religious Freedom is Not A Right

Religious Freedom has been twisted from a constitutional right to subversive discrimination. You will hear the word religious freedom constantly by the Trump Administration.

Is National Religious Freedom Day Just An Excuse For Discrimination?

Is National Religious Freedom Day Just An Excuse For Discrimination?

President Trump Declared January 16th National Religious Freedom Day, seen as thinly veiled support for Evangelical Christians In keeping with tradition, President Trump named

The Dangers of the United States Becoming A Christian Nation

The Dangers of the United States Becoming A Christian Nation

There is a key difference between influence and domination While President Trump has never been known for being religious he has consistently shown support

God Wants You To Love Immigrants

God Wants You To Love Immigrants

Too many clear references that are positive about immigration and immigrants in the bible ignore There are over 11 million undocumented immigrants in the

The Museum of the Bible is an “‘Ark of the Covenant’ for Our Nation”

The structure tilts towards a narrow outlook The Museum of the Bible, contrary to its name, cannot be described as a museum.[/tweetit] Even its

Is The Earth Filled With Heaven, Hell, Vikings, Nazis, and Dinosaurs?

Is The Earth Filled With Heaven, Hell, Vikings, Nazis, and Dinosaurs?

Centuries Old Hollow Earth Theory is Gaining Popularity What if Heaven and Hell exist on Earth? According to some conspiracy theorists, they do exist